HBO planning Watchmen series...

I feel like a series is a better format than a movie (and the movie just didn't work at all*), but I still feel like Watchmen is so innately and uniquely a product of the comic book medium that it's not really adaptable in any meaningful way. You can retell the story, sure, but there's so much more to it than that, from the commentary on the progression from the Silver Age to the Bronze Age of comics to the art layouts intentionally aping the Harvey Kurtzman and EC Comics style to The Curse of the Black Freighter working not just as a commentary on the place of comic books in society but also as a meta commentary on the story itself. More than anything, Watchmen is a comic book about comic books. Just by virtue of adapting it you lose a lot of that.

Maybe they knock it out of the park, though. I certainly hope so.

*I will give the movie credit for one thing. That opening credits sequence was incredible.