Star Wars Stand Alone Films

More on the situation from Variety:

Basic rundown:

-They were fired and did not quit.

-Lord and Miller and Kathleen Kennedy just didn't get along from the get go. She didn't like the way they ran the set/production.

-Lord and Miller anticipated more creative freedom, which they did not get. Lucasfilm/Kennedy keeps a tight reign on things and they felt stifled. They felt like they had proven themselves as directors and would have more leeway and just didn't get it.

-Lord and Miller also clashed with Lawrence Kasdan, who didn't like a lot of the choices they were making.

Basically sounds like the Star Wars braintrust just wasn't liking what they were seeing and pulled the plug rather late in the game. Still almost a year to release, though, and reshoots are scheduled for later in the summer so they've got time. New director will be announced soon.

This is a weird situation. I wonder if the stuff they were seeing just felt too much like an outright comedy? Maybe we'll find out one day. The lesson here, though, is that Lucasfilm has a very clear idea of what they want and between this and the Gareth Edwards thing they won't hesitate to pull rank to see it done.