Star Wars Stand Alone Films

any word if the 3 remaining weeks was still principal photography or were they in to pick ups? (i imagine the latter)
but like you say, if there was significant stuff left to re-shoots that could be tough - though i imagine Disney contracts being very specific about how and when they can call you in and you essentially have to drop everything and go

i'm actually not too worried about any shift from comedy to genre action - any decent editor should be able to get footage and turn that into about 8 different movies - though the question will remain 'are there significant plot arcs not yet shot?'

The three weeks left were still principal photography from what I understand.

The production obviously went on hiatus with the firing of Lord and Miller, but from what's been said the immediate plan is for Howard to meet with the cast and crew to try and calm everyone's nerves and then watch a rough edit of everything that's been filmed so far to see what needs to be addressed. I have no idea how soon he actually gets behind the cameras. It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out.