Cutting the cable, lets talk options and media setups

This may already be discussed in the thread but it's long and I'm lazy.

As of this morning my family has officially cut the cord. I have everything set up, a few streaming services etc. and we are good.

One question, can you watch HBO shows live via HBO Now? The only thing I really care about here is GoT. Will I be able to watch them live or will I have to wait until the next day? I looked around in the app and I don't see a Watch Live option.

To answer you question, I don't think you can watch anything live on HBO Now. It's specifically an On Demand Streaming service. But last year they did release a few episodes of GoT on HBO Now before they aired on HBO. You'll have get another service to watch it live or wait a day. Although I believe that was just a promotional thing for HBO Now.