Coastal Erosion

Is anyone else sick to their stomach that our plight has all but disappeared from the national conscience? I recently was able to watch a remarkable documentary titled "Paradise Lost: The Fight for Louisiana" in which specific plans to save our coast were mentioned. It also highlighted the incredible impact that Louisiana has on the nation. What I can't figure out is why Congress hasn't allocated the relatively small sum of money it would take to solve this unparalleled crisis.

More than a year after Katrina and Rita, I can't help but feel a little frightened. We lost so much as a state, and we can't even begin to think about a long-term solution for New Orleans and the rest of coastal Louisiana without a significant investment from the federal government. If the devastating hurricanes which so ravaged our coast aren't serving as a wake up call to the government, what on earth will?

I hate to evoke the name of Bush in this thread, but it just seems like he honestly couldn't care less. The fate of Louisiana hangs in the balance, and I don't see any sense of urgency at all. For the sum of about thirty billion, Louisiana can be protected and saved. This seems like a no-brainer for a country that so relies on our extensive port system and energy and seafood resources.

I teared up watching that documentary, not because Louisiana is naturally destined to wash away, but because it seems like America has condemned it with their utter apathy.

/rant over

Too busy being world policeman.

Domestic needs don't rate unless profit from pork barrell spending is involved.

Schools, roads and infrastructure in disrepair across the country but still we borrow billions to pump out on boondoggles all over the planet that do not add to our domestic productive base and give us not broad economic return.

It's gonna catch up one day and people will wake up and ask "what happened?"