US Officials confirm that North Korea now has nuclear warheads that can fit in their missles

It was always going to happen, it was just a matter of time. If we truly were going to keep them from doing it, we would have gone in already . . . if you truly intend to keep someone from getting a capability, you don't wait and try after they have it. But we're not going to because the costs are too great, as they always have been. And that's precisely why they're doing it - it guarantees their sovereignty by making the costs even greater.

Until the DPRK starts trying to influence things beyond securing their sovereignty, the US has little interest in engaging this militarily. Sure, stability presumes DPRK has rational leadership but they have acted rationally throughout their existence. This ends up being something you just have to live with.

There has never been a good option for the US and there isn't one now.