
That turd was here yesterday speaking to law enforcement.

We have a serious prison overcrowding situation and we, the voters passed two referendums last year. One to lessen the penalties for weed and other non violent crimes. The other to provide support for mental health issues related to crimes etc.

Jeffy don't like dat. It makes too much sense. There are some legislators here trying to figure out a way to not enact this two pieces after we voted for them. Sessions is in favor of reducing crime, all crime by continuing to fill the prisons and not get these people any help. He really likes that three strike law and maximum penalties for all offenses as far as I can tell.

Remember you can still get a year in jail for first offense possession of weed and ten years for a second count of simple possession. Also, they can take away your carry permit if you are convicted of having a single joint. Backasswards state this one is.

So Jeffy just go away.

He is truly a menace to our society.