The case for not bathing

I'm actually remarkably resistant to sweat and BO. It's kind of weird actually - my wife and trainer are always shocked when I should be sweaty, but I'm not. I'm probably below average on amount of body hair, and I think a lot of it originates with that.

I'm not really thinking about undertaking the OP experiment, but it does make you think about whether its really necessary to do it at such frequency.

And everyone keeps talking about the smell. The dermatologist and microbial experts (in both the video and the article) talk about what that smell is and why it happens. And as it turns out, the strongest odor happens the first few days, after that the microbes reach an equilibrium and the smell goes away for the most part.

This is the one instance in which I will disregard science. The Austin hippies apply this theory to their every day lives and I'm telling you the stench does not go away after a few days.

Which reminds me....the other day someone recommended that I use Dr. Bronner's tea tree oil soap for sweaty smelly gym clothes. I like to read Amazon reviews on products before I buy them and there is a review in there that I need to go find and post here because it's applicable to the topic at hand. I'll do it after (or maybe during depending on how mind-numbingly boring) my 10 a.m. meeting.