I've been dabbling since July, but finally decided to jump in with both feet and invested several thousand about a month ago with BTC at ~$6500. It's currently over $17000. In 2 months, it could be worth $35000, or $3500. It's kind of stressful but fun...like gambling really. The trick is to know when to walk away. I've set a price limit at which point I'll remove my investment and a little extra cash and still leave 5 figures in the market. Fingers crossed that it hits my mark and doesn't wipe out my investment.
Some believe it will ultimately be worth upwards of $200K per coin. John McAfee (started McAfee software and who is crazy, but smart) is on record saying it will reach $500k per coin by 2020. I think he even recently increased his estimate to 1 million by 2020. I don't believe that but I would have never believed it would go from $700 to $17k in 2017 either.