Bitcoin and Crypto Talk (Merged)(includes NFT)

anyone into mining coins? alternate from bitcoin? I am looking to get about 50 - 100 computers mining several hours a day. DM?

I found this site which lead me to mining curecoins as they were most profitable, but the target moves so much and so fast it's a crap shoot.

I was mining ETH and with that CPU is basically worthless, you need GPU's which are way overpriced due to demand. You'll want to research the hash rates on any card you want and you'll find that they are 600+ each to get. Then with that many systems running, you'll need to do that in a datacenter unless you have some kind of commercial quality air conditioning or live in the arctic circle.

Curecoin uses CPU as well, but it's less efficient than the GPU. I can't really say about any other, but I think that is generally the case that you need high powered GPU cards.

It might be a better ROI to just get a contract.