Apple slows your iPhone on purpose.

Slight rant here.

One thing about switching to Android was that I immediately had 10x the ability to customize and have access to tweaks I use everyday that I had forgotten existed while on iOS. It does disappoint me that the Pixel got rid of the headphone jack, but it's not a dealbreaker.

While admittedly both Android and iOS borrow ideas from the other, it just becomes so annoying to live with Apple feeding you boring scraps every iteration instead of exploring every feature to add from the start. No apple, nobody GAF if you can airdrop if it isn't more easily accessible or send payments between iPhones or your damned satisfying blue messages. Yeah, security is quite important and I understand the walled garden mindset, but it comes at the price of stagnation--which i'd argue is more and more how people view Apple.

Build a damn iPhone Active. 6.2" edge to edge screen, stylus..Military grade waterproof,dust,snow,dirt,grime,fish slime, etc etc. with the ability to add homescreen widgets (yeah i know, probably never),FAST CHARGING, a battery you can't kill, keep improving a great camera, unlimited photo storage, a Siri that can access every app and perform any command or just doesn't suck so badly, 128 gb standard entry level storage at SAME PRICE as 64gb...And DON'T slow down older iterations of software.

Oh hell..I just described an Android device. Ha!

People would buy the hell out of a pie in the sky device like this. I'm sure it could eist. But it likely won't ever. And because of that reason (apple's hesitation to give you the features you need, not more fluff), more folks who want more out of their devices will easily go android.

My favorite phone to this day was my old HTC Evo 4G. The last Android OS i remember running on it was Jelly Bean. Interchangeable battery/back faceplates, good camera for the times, kickstand and speakers.

You described exactly why I switched from iPhone to android phones 6 years ago. I’ve never looked back.