Bitcoin and Crypto Talk (Merged)(includes NFT)

Not to single you out, but what you are doing is not investing. Depending on how one would like to frame things, it is somewhere between "speculating" and "gambling".

Nothing that is an "investment" returns 2.5x in two weeks, unless you believe that Madoff was a good investment adviser.

Do all the bitcoin you want, but do it with money that you can afford to lose all of. Nobody's going to ring a loud bell when the "market" for these securities suddenly goes to zero. Unlike assets with SOME underlying long-term value (land, inventory, patent portfolio), when the panic hits, it will be all sellers and no buyers, and to zero it will go.

You can call it whatever you want, it doesn't really bother me. I actually went with the strategy of catching something with potential while it's a few cents per token. Something with potential that was less than 3 cents seemed like a wiser choice percentages wise. That 3 cent token is now 12 cents, so I've gotten 4x profit so far since Sunday. I also read a bit and watched live streams from the CEO before I committed to this.

Had I invested that same amount into something like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any of the well established ones, I probably would have lost money or not gained much at all. I understand this isn't a guarantee. It's all just a little strategy and luck. Keep in mind, I just got into this a few weeks ago and I haven't bought or sold anything in about a week. I'm just watching and keeping up with news in the crypto world.