We look forward to your opinion after you watch it whenever that may be, but good thing you let us know before you watch it that you will watch it so you can have even more posts on the boards.
Again with the “we” - I’m not sure your “we” is as big as you think it is
But let me hip you to the game. It’s called having a discussion
Someone asks a question or addresses a topic and you respond
Maybe it’s to directly address, maybe it’s just to keep the conversation going until someone else can directly address it
Look I get it, I dated a woman who was nonstop talk. constant. And when it was us by ourselves it could get a bit grating
But among Company, she was amazing - dinner parties our out with friends, everyone felt engages/included bc she was able to talk to anyone about anything
I’ve always admired her talent for social interaction
Anyway, back to your socially awkward malcontent...