Bitcoin and Crypto Talk (Merged)(includes NFT)

Thanks Chuck!!! Good stuff.

The way I was looking at it and what my buddy told me was to look at it almost like gambling at a casino. You want to go in with a set amount that you are willing to lose. So like say I got $2000 to put in. I know I might lose all of that and am okay with it. Kind of have to set a budget per se with what you are willing to lose as it seems like it could all go belly up at anytime.

So would like $1000 be a good starting point to buy some and then play from there?? or would that just not buy me enough to make any gains???
Trying to determine if this is something I can play around with or if it is just too volatile right now.

I know guys that buy in at 100$ and shuffle it around daily. Trading between coins as they go up and down. They say they make 40-80$ a day. Keep in mind the tax laws and ramifications on that tho. I'm not sure if they aren't playing fast and loose there, but at such a low amount, it's doubtful it would raise much suspicion.

If you are going that route you'll want a different exchange than coinbase. I'd recommend Gemini or Binance in that case for low transaction fees.