Face, the Soviet Olympic weight lifting teams of the 1950s and early 60s were the first athletes we know of as historians to use what became known as anabolic steroids, of course in their case, the Soviets used an open then an clandestine doping program run by the Sports Ministry and the KGB using most of there Olympic-level talent as guinea pigs. Still, as bad and pervasive as the Soviets state-run doping program was, former GDR, East Germany, and the Stasi, made them look like choir boys. Whatever the Soviets or any Western athletes were doping themselves up on, their East German counterparts were 5-10x times more loaded up on. Swimmers, shot putters, weight lifters, basketball players, long-distance track and field, probably even ice skaters like Katarina Witt were being doped up and spied on for their opinions and observations. Since the Stasi files have been opened and exhaustively researched, we have files on everything, every part of public and private life was invaded by the East German Stasi. One in three East Germans were spied upon during the 41 year history of the country, compared to one in 20 Russian citizens who were spied on by the KGB during the entire course of the Soviet Union.