Interviewing Realtors

Plan to interview 3-5 realtors, and do your homework before you call. Find the ones that have sold the most homes in your area in the last year. Zillow usually has this info readily available. Starting with the top 5 sellers, it will be harder to make a mistake. This is not a job for some friend of a friend or a relative. You want the best salesperson, period.

Ask how they intend to market your house. Ask them what they think it is worth as is, what they’re basing that on, and if any changes should be made to get the home in selling condition. Ask what they think the home will be worth if you make the changes. Then, make sure you follow their directions.

Ask if they have any ready buyers that they will be showing your home to. In this market, that’s pretty common.

Ask them about days on market and how long you should expect to wait to close. Discuss what the plan is if the house isn’t getting as many viewings as expected.

Don’t necessarily go with the one who tells you they can sell it for the highest amount. They may just be trying to get you to go with them and then stick you with a sale price that no one will bite on, leaving you to inevitably lower the price. Make them show you comps.

The realtors rate is negotiable and you should let them know that you are interviewing more than one realtor. This will likely cause them to lower their rate without you even asking.

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