Interviewing Realtors

Because we will soon be moving to Houston we need to sell our home (I’m sure that we can rent, I am just not sure if it’s worth the hassle). Tomorrow we will be interviewing realtors to decide who we should hire to represent us. My question to the group is, what are some questions we should get out there during the interview process so that we don’t have regrets later down the line?

Every one I know who has tried renting out their old home when they've moved any distance away has had it turn into a disaster. Renting your home out, and trying to manage all of the issues which arise from that rental, when you do not live close by is a huge hassle. If you use an agency you'll lose 10-15% or more of the rent payment in management fees. Being a landlord can be a full-time job.

Sell your home and cut the ties. Get a clean start in your new town.

Good luck in your search for a realtor, ours was wonderful. We asked around and checked his references, and we remain friends with him to this day :)