Interviewing Realtors

And if you decide to rent and place the house with an agency, when something breaks this agency will call their per serviceperson and you'll get skinned alive on repair/replace costs.

Being an absentee landlord sucks

A lease/purchase can work, but all details need to be nailed down in stone.

I have property in three states. Its not a nightmare but it does require good tenants. Bad tenants are a nightmare not matter how far away you are.

I don't recommend management companies because the cost is too high. A good relationship with the tenants is the best way to go.

Landlording does require emotional detachment. If you can't take the long view and get wound up easily I don't recommend it.

And I don't do lease/purchase. I find people who want to own the house someday (by listing it for sale and for lease simultaneously) and lease it to them under standard terms. Since they have dreams of someday owning they take care of the property.