Bitcoin and Crypto Talk (Merged)(includes NFT)

I’m also not sure that the crypto market is viable in the long run. Unlike stocks, crypto currencies have no underlying value, and as such can literally go to zero overnight.

Very good move on your part to invest with your casino money. I certainly wouldn’t borrow from my home equity line of credit to dive deeper into crypto:hihi:

Banking institutions are gearing up to provide access to crypto markets for big investors which is ironic in that it was developed to eliminate banking institutions. Therefore, I think it's here to stay and a huge potential as something on the order of 95% of the population on the planet doesn't have access yet last I heard.

As for the actual valuation? I don't trust any of the existing models since this is so new. That said, some of the day traders I work with see striking similarities to the charts so it looks like those same principles are in play. You just have much more volatility and unpredictability due to new, rumor, and the inherent risks of which you speak. It certainly wouldn't surprise me to see any or all crypto drop to oblivion.

Blockchain makes a ton of sense for many significant applications. Real Estate, inventory tracking, voting, banking, hospital records, file storage and many more. The CEO of CommVault is on record as saying it is the future of backups. As we get more of these ransomware situations which have gotten savvy enough to infect the backup files too, having an immutable backup could save an organisation.

It also makes retention for legal purposes much better. We pay significant amounts for systems to handle chain of custody concerns here. Being able to take that another step forward is very valuable.

I think the naysayers could be right, but I also think they are mostly folks who stand to lose big if they were behind in development and other things are taking over.

I chuckle at every big time CEO etc that down talks crypto...

According to public records of Nordnet trading logs, the two associated firms JP Morgan Securities Ltd., and Morgan Stanley bought roughly 3M euro worth of XBT note shares. Interestingly after the recent regulatory crackdown in China, and the statements from JP Morgan’s senior executive Jamie Dimon talking trash about bitcoin, his firm bought the dip on September 15. In fact, out of all the companies on the list, like Goldman Sachs and Barclays, the JP Morgan team of buyers purchased the most XBT notes.