SF TE Eric Johnson hurt in practice today

Starting 49ers tight end Eric Johnson is likely out for the rest of the season with a medial collateral ligament sprain in his left knee.
-- San Francisco Chronicle

This sure hurts his free agent stock, if his past injuries hadn't hurt it enough already. With a solid, healthy, season he could have been looking at a pretty decent payday. Now with one more season ending injury on top of his already impressive medical records, he will have a tough time come this offseason. 6 NFL seasons and he has only completed 2 of them.

Its really a shame, because he is a very talented player, he just can't dodge the injury bug. I remember a couple years back (2004?) he was leading the league in receptions for a good while. Guess I will focus my offseason hopes to Daniel Graham. And to think, in 2003 we passed on players like Dallas Clark and Jason Witten.