Spoiler Thread: Avengers Infinity War

Saw it. Finally. Plan to rewatch either tonight or tomorrow or both.

Some of my favorite parts/observations were this:
1) The captain talk Rocket had with Thor on the way to Nidavellir. Emotionally speaking, it was jarring to reflect on all Thor has lost. More than any Avenger, his mother, father, brother, best friend, home and people, Hela killed so many. The job Marvel has done in taking the wooden Thor and making him this funny, angry, sad and raging mad character has fully redeemed him for me and truly, he is worthy.
2) Dr. Strange fighting against Thanos and multiplying himself from the Hindu God meditation pose... Wow... holy ******* wow.
3) Did they make Mantis a meaningful player or what???
4) From Rocket to Groot to Thanos, how can Marvel make CGI characters break my heart?
5) Something else is going on with Hulk, he ain't scared and those of you who think he is, are just simply wrong. He literally leapt into the face of Surtur when he was the size of a small planet standing above Asgard. You're telling me a 1-2 combo from Thanos (what a great depiction of pugilist fighting style) was enough to "scare" him??? Nah brah.

Loved it.

The directors said that Hulk isn't afraid. They said that Hulk is tired of bailing Banner out and Banner only wants him for his fighting.