Spoiler Thread: Avengers Infinity War

I have a theory...

Remember the scene from the trailers where they were all charging in Wakanda and Hulk was there? Wasn't in the movie. Also, there was a toy and a lot of talk about Hulk busting out of the Hulkbuster armor, but that never happened.

What if those were scenes from Avengers 4 that they shot while filming Avengers 3? What if we get the Battle of Wakanda fought all over again because of some fancy time travel stuff and they filmed that at the same time they filmed the scenes for Infinity War?

That's possible. But honestly, I think it was just an intentional misdirect by the studio. They put a concerted effort into misleading people heading into the movie so that nobody would figure everything out ahead of time. The directors have given several interviews since the release of the movie stating as much.

Also, they gave an interview today. Someone asked them if the title for Avengers 4 was said at all, included in any dialogue, from Infinity War. They said it was not. And that it's also not an adaptation of an existing Marvel story line. So it won't be called "Avengers: Endgame." They also specifically shot down "Avengers Forever."