Spoiler Thread: Avengers Infinity War

Still consistent with my theory that they manage to find a way to do a do-over of the battle of Wakanda. Somehow (I have no idea how) they end up before the finger snap and get another chance to prevent it.

But let's be honest, I'm probably soooo wrong. Not one theory I had about IW was right. :LOL:

O.k. I see what you are saying now. You are saying they go back to the past before the snap and then they kind of redo the battle of wakanda over again but with slight variations. It could be possible. I don't see that happening but it is possible.

It makes me a little nervous or I guess unsure about doing the time travel stuff. Once you start messing with time and timelines in movies and especially when someone goes to the past many many plot holes and consistency issues start popping up. And if they are going to alter the past then all kinds of problems could happen.

I like the MCU because of how consistent they have been in the stories and the long term plan they have laid out. I don't want them to go down the rabbit hole per se and lose the good storytelling. MHO though.

But I do like your theory as it is original and pretty inventive.