Spoiler Thread: Avengers Infinity War

I take it differently. Thanos didn’t know who would turn to dust and who wouldn’t. I think his point is Stark was going to die either way, but he hopes he isn’t dusted so people will remember him.

I think Thanos fully understood what was going to happen, that these people would be wiped from existence. He respected Stark and hoped he wouldn’t be one of the people who would be.
Well, my take was that he knew Stark was going to die, and he hoped he would be venerated by people afterward. It's not really a big deal. As I said, your idea is interesting; I just don't see it from what was said and from what happened to the people who didn't die. I could be wrong, obviously. I also don't think it fits with what Thanos said he was doing. He was simply killing off half the universe, thus "alleviating the strain on the resources" the universe has.

Which, by the way, is stupid. If he kills off half the life in the universe, he also removes half the resources available to the living, so nothing actually changes as far as resources. Everything remains status quo because the resources are no more available than they were before his actions. It's a monumentally dumb mistake, and only makes me roll my eyes a little more over them changing his motivations from those in the comic series.