NFL cheerleader saga continues

but you did say things that weren't true. And I have no problem "taking it" - even though a lot of that stuff was specifically personal, I'm not reporting any of it. I'm not going to ask it to be taken down. I don't know what you mean by "not taking it" - but I think I can/am. No problem reading and responding.

of course you did. You said several things that were inaccurate. And you were obviously being inflammatory and insulting, personally so. I don't really care, but you shouldn't pretend like it wasn't inflammatory. And you shouldn't pretend like it was all accurate.

I would disagree, but I have no problem if you think so. There are plenty of people around here that I think know where/why I'm coming from, and I'm content with that. I don't think there are a whole lot of people who think I "attack all the time." I doubt I'd be around here if that were actually the case.

White Dr. King. That's a first. I don't think anything of the sort - not even close. And it sounds like your life is more "plush" than mine. I don't have hundreds of employees, several businesses, and front row seats at Saints games.

I didn't get into this profession for the money, that's for sure.

I got into it for internet message board points!

Hold on. Are you saying you didn’t move to the great white north for financial gain because you could not find an adequate job in your field in south Louisiana?