NFL cheerleader saga continues

So you did take it for financial gain. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

just to clarify "funding package" didn't really mean I got some amazing gig. It meant I didn't have to pay tuition, and I got a job making $1500 CDN per month. You think that's "plush"?

I find it interesting that you really are fixated on this point, as opposed to anything else I wrote. You seem to suggest something behind it, so just say what it is.

You said I had a "plush" life. I don't. I certainly didn't then. Crappy apartment, generic food brands, and public transit every day to get to school. Is that "plush"?

And the money wasn't the only thing. I had acceptance from other schools, including LSU. When it came to PhD programs, it was Harvard, Columbia, and OISE/UT who are in the top 3 (or 5). LSU is much further down the list.

So, money was actually secondary to opportunity at an institution.

Then my choice was go into debt for a quarter million dollars or not.

So, for anyone who wants to judge me for taking an offer at a top 3 program for free vs. another top tier program for a quarter million, that's fine.

But you need to qualify my life as "plush." Further, you say "nothing wrong with that" but look at when you first wrote it - I left the state and abandoned kids for a "plush" lifestyle. There's judgment in there. That's why you wrote it. You keep typing things and backing off from them. If you're going to go to the lengths of making a claim, you should be willing to stick with it or acknowledge that you were off base in the first place.

I'm fine with either.