NFL cheerleader saga continues

and I'll just add as a parting sentiment, because I feel pretty ridiculous myself for engaging in this.

I have no problem with Ambush, or anyone else, not liking me. I got over that a long time ago.

But I find it preferable that someone make that decision of whether or not to antagonize or dislike based on things that actually are true. Don't like me or my posts for things I have actually said. I don't know why so many things had to be made up or twisted or engineered.

There seems to be some demographic antipathy. If you are a liberal and/or an academic/PhD then that means you must be a certain way. And since I am those things, that means I must also be a certain way.

And yet, Ambush has said that he doesn't appreciate it when people assume anything about Conservatives. Or assuming that all cops are bad. And that's a totally fair point. But he's doing the exact same thing. And I try to avoid doing that thing and have no problem when posters keep me accountable on that point.

If he were to acknowledge the things that are actually true about me - or even bothered to ask or read where I've said specific things - he might have to admit that not all liberals and not all academics and not all PhDs are whatever-he-believes-they-are.

Just as I encouraged the importance, in the thread started about the boxing thing, of officers seeing civilians as humans and civilians seeing police officers as humans, so to should Conservatives and Liberals (and whomever else) should see people they disagree with similarly. It's not going to mean total agreement - nor should it. It's not going to mean peace and calm. It's not going to innoculate people in their own self-importance (whether they have a PhD and expertise they are willing to own to the point of being seen as condescending or whether it's people who talk about all the businesses they have and make trips to Europe).

It's not about harmony, necessarily. I am not asking nor expecting to be 'liked.' But I don't think it's too much to ask to at least deal honestly and sincerely, and try to practice what you expect from others. Even in strident disagreement.