Taysom Hill Raw Footage (Video From OTAs)
Since many SR members don't want Taysom Hill to be Brees' successor, I really do. I just have this funny feeling that so many want to be butthurt after Brees only to have something to @#$%! about. In comes a really good Taysom Hill ready to be the next Taysom Hill. I've seen him play the QB position as well as anyone not named Brees, Rodgers, Brady. 0-3 of those Qbs were not thought of to be the next anything. I say pay close attention come PRESEASON and go from there. As of right now, I prefer giving Hill a shot over anyone coming out of college within the next 3 years or so. I wanted Trace Mcsorley from Penn State because his game and style reminds me and truly shows Brees is his idol. Well whatever, I just have a good feeling about Hill & I feel Coach does too. I'm telling you he lights up when asked anything about him. Like it's little secret that no one knows about except a few, including Brees.
Just my true honest opinion. SEAN PAYTON LIGHTS UP WHEN ASKED ABOUT TAYSOM HILL AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SPECIAL TEAMS PLAY. Either I'm blind and deaf, or just crazy. The ongoing SR jokes about him started out funny, getting annoying now because it now seems as if most here want to be right about the wrong thing(if he's not good) ONLY TO SAY I TOLD YOU SO!