Spoiler Thread: Avengers Infinity War

I'll tell you what does scare me, though. There are rumors that Kathleen Kennedy may be leaving Lucasfilm in September after the disappointing returns on Solo. The MCU is his baby, but Kevin Feige is a self-professed huge Star Wars fan. It wouldn't shock me if they offered him the keys to the Star Wars universe and have Louis D'Esposito or someone who's been high in the MCU production ranks for a while take over, especially since whatever Avengers 4 ends up being is supposed to bring an ending to the overall story they've been telling since Iron Man.

I very distinctly remember rumors during the time Feige's contract was coming up with Marvel/Disney and he was constantly butting heads with Perlmutter and people were talking about how he might leave entirely, that one of the reasons people thought he would feel compelled to stay in the Disney stable and sign a new Marvel contract was that he had made no secret of the fact that he wanted Star Wars after Kennedy stepped down.

Of course, that was before the Marvel restructuring that Iger did and now that Perlmutter is out of the studio picture and Feige has relative free reign, who knows whether or not that's still the case.