Comic Book Talk

Not per se. Actually, I'm for anything that makes Batman seem more like a normal person and not a total psychopath. My ideal Batman is like 70's Denny O'Neil/Neal Adams Batman, where there's darkness for sure but he's not nearly what he got turned into after Frank Miller/Alan Moore got ahold of him, We've been chasing that dragon for three decades since and ended up in some just weird places because of it.

So anything that kind of deviates from the norm, I'm cool with. I just don't think it will happen. There has already been one major comic book wedding fakeout this past week from Marvel. I'm betting we get another one.

At least Marvel still gave us one. Frankly, I more of a fan of the Gambit/Rogue relationship than I ever was of the Kitty/Colossus one. Kitty's a Peter whore. She's broken off weddings with Peter Quill, Peter Rasputin, and had a timely fling with Peter Parker as well. Just let it go already.

you should check the book The Question from the late 80's early 90's, outstanding storytelling by Denny O'Neil.

A lot of people claim Grant Morrison as the Batman writer, but to me, that title should always be reserved to O'Neil, just like I think Jurgens should have it for Superman.

What DC's Giant Move To Walmart Means For Comics

Interesting. I may have to check out the Superman Giant book, especially if there's a 12 part story. That's old school stuff compared to the little 3 part stories we get now.

It's not that old school. The New 52 was full of them, especially during Snyder's time on Batman. Hell, Super Heavy (the last arc with Gordon as Batman) took a year to get through.