Star Wars Stand Alone Films

None of the movies have been rushed, none of the movies suffer from quality deficiencies. Each movie has had its own production independent of all the other movies. They are taking approximately 1 1/2 years to make each movie, so the idea of them movies being rushed doesn't hold water as this is the same production schedule used on all the other Star Wars movies.

And doesn't even take into account the fact that Marvel puts out three movies a year and no one thinks they would be better if there was only 1 every two years.

The fact is, a bunch of people didn't like the story of the Last Jedi. They wanted a story points to go in different ways. Even though I don't think TLJ is not the worst star wars movie ever made (that title remains with Attack of the Clones) is its not the story i would have written, not is it the story i wanted either. But then again, i didn't want Anakin skywalker to be crying/woman whipped child. I didn't want Anakin to be tricked into joining the dark side, i made more sense to that he choose and embrace it willingly. So obviously more time in between movies does nothing to make a Star Wars movie better.

The only thing more time between movies does is it tricks the audience into accepting a sub par story longer because they are caught up in the hype of the movie, not the quality of the movie. having a movie every year gives us more flexibility, if you didn't like one movie, the next one made by a different production crew, telling a different type of story may be more appealing.

But i degrees. My opinion doesn't seem to be widely shared, so in the end, it doesn't matter.

The problem with TLJ was not that is was a story no one wanted / predicted. That suggestion keeps popping up and is absolutely false. People would have accepted the story if it was good even if it was different. The problem with TLJ is that how it was structured made no sense. Then, on top of that, the story constantly sheet on the narrative of other Star Wars movies, and if that wasn't enough to turn people away, it constantly sheet on it's own story that it was trying to tell. It was a complete nonsensical mess.