Comic Book Talk

Glad to find this thread. I was a long time comics reader. Had quite a collection(about 20-25 long boxes full). Long runs of Amazing Spider-Man(issue 200 to August 2005), Uncanny X-Men(Issue 150 to August 2005) to name a few. But as you probably guessed, lost them all in Katrina. I've tried a few times over the years to get back in but it just wasn't the same. I don't know if it was the loss of my back issue collection or change in mindset since Katrina, but, I wasn't enjoying the stories anymore. Then Big Easy Comics opened a store in Slidell to go with their Covington store and Hammond store at the time. I started a pull list and seemed to be getting back in, but then they lost their lease and closed up in Slidell. Dropped comics again for awhile. Now I've started playing around with Comixology and Marvel Unlimited. I read the Batman #50 and X-Men #30 wedding issues. Curious to see the outcomes of these issues. I wasn't a fan of the Mephisto Spider-Man story(chalk me up as a Spider Marriage fan), but I will hop onto the new Spider Man series when it comes out. I probably won't get as many series as I used to but I am going to try to get back in a little through Comixology and see where that goes. I've bought the latest Man of Steel but haven't read it yet. It's downloaded on my iPad along with X=Men 31 wedding aftermath. Plus I am a sucker for Star Wars so, I have #50 of that on my iPad to read too.