Comic Book Talk

As much as I'm into technology, I'm not sure that I would enjoy comics on a tablet through Comixology. There's something about having the actual book in my hand. I'm the same way with regular books and an eReader. I know the benefits of using the tablet, but chalk me up to being too old school to use it for comic reading.

I was a holdout on technology with regards to eReaders/Kindles. In trying to get back into comics after I lost mine in Katrina, I bought the actual books. I have about 4-5 long boxes at my house. But when Big Easy Comics closed their Slidell location, I tried the digital route and eventually got used to it. The other major factor in switching was space. I needed a place to keep these books in and with a wife, a 17 year old and 10 year old, space became an issue. I do miss the feel of holding the book and going to the comic store to pick up the books. Maybe one day, I'll switch back to physical copies.

Oh and I echo the remarks about Marvel. They are an absolute mess right now. I got excited last year when they were reinstituting their legacy numbering on their books and trying to return to basics. Well, that lasted a year, tops. There are double versions of characters everywhere. Please send the original 5 X Men back to where they came from. I have not been a fan of that story. Now we have the Ultimate Universe's version of Wolverine's kid. How many kids does Logan have running around now? And who is on what X-team? While the team has always had a changing roster, it seems like there are new members every issue. And now Marvel is rebooting a number of their books. That really turned me off to Marvel as well. I remember growing up waiting for the double sized 50th or 100th issue of a series. It was an event. Now a series barely makes it our of the teens before rebooting.

I was happy to see DC wasn't following that path, but now I see a Superman #1 coming out. Hopefully it's just an isolated happening because of Bendis writing it. Love to see the other titles issue numbers climb higher and higher. I know that's a weird thing, but to me it was always a cool thing for a title to reach an anniversary issue.