The Ingram Suspension is Big. Who fills the role?

Probably Kamara.

I have a strong feeling our offense will be drastically different from last year, at least without Ingram. We ran a run-heavy Smashmouth style last year as our strength. I think we will go back to an offense favoring the pass at least early in the season before Ingram comes back. Kamara can be used for screens and explosive plays in a way we used to do with Bush, Pierre Thomas and Sproles.

You may be right, but I hope you are not. IF the starting offensive line is intact I believe we can achieve balance in the run/pass with Kamara and Boston/West (who I think are the main candidates). I don't want Brees throwing the ball 40+ times a game, if he does that we are more prone to turning the ball over, at this stage of his career I want to see the passing game be more efficient rather than more prolific....

One thing I believe is that Kamara will be almost exclusively the back on 3rd downs. Ingram will be missed for his pass protection, right now, Kamara is the best back we have for this until Ingram returns...