Comic Book Talk

Oh and I echo the remarks about Marvel. They are an absolute mess right now. I got excited last year when they were reinstituting their legacy numbering on their books and trying to return to basics. Well, that lasted a year, tops. There are double versions of characters everywhere. Please send the original 5 X Men back to where they came from. I have not been a fan of that story. Now we have the Ultimate Universe's version of Wolverine's kid. How many kids does Logan have running around now? And who is on what X-team? While the team has always had a changing roster, it seems like there are new members every issue. And now Marvel is rebooting a number of their books. That really turned me off to Marvel as well. I remember growing up waiting for the double sized 50th or 100th issue of a series. It was an event. Now a series barely makes it our of the teens before rebooting.

Honestly, it kills me to see what has become of the X-Men. The X books were Marvel's flagship books for the 80's and 90's. It was the series that kickstarted my love of comics. It's utterly depressing to see what they've turned into now. Constantly rotating lineups, starts and stops on books, storylines that go nowhere, characters that act completely out of character based on who is writing them, all the time travel/alt reality nonsense (granted, this has long been a part of the X-Men mythos, but in the past it was used at least sparingly. Stuff like Days of Future Past or Age of Apocalypse felt meaningful on some level. Now half the X characters seem to be time traveling or alt-uinverse versions of the mainline characters.).

Don't even get me started on the garbage art you find in any given X book these days, either.

I know I come across like I'm beating a dead horse, but there is no reason for Marvel to be what it has turned into and it's just depressing to see. I was always more of a Marvel reader than a DC one, and I'm reading exactly NO Marvel books currently compared to several DC titles.