Don't wear a Puerto Rican shirt in "America"

As a ‘whitey’ I was just about to bring this up.
It is all sad. Media loves to stir the pot, president is a hatemonger in my opinion....all agendas are divisive in nature it seems nowadays. Instead of tolerance and love for one another we seem to be more inclined to hate anything different than us or anything we don’t understand. All very sad. Seems to be getting worse but maybe that’s just 24/7 media now and social media.

I grew up in an all black church. My best friend growing up was/is black. Many of my closest friends now are black or Mexican. Can honestly say I’m not racist. Color or ethnicity doesn’t make someone a good or bad person. Character does. I’ve seen good and bad of all creeds and colors. It’s all stupid and sadly will never change. Until we teach our children differently over several generations, which I just don’t see happening.
As long as there is more than one race, there will always be racism.