Comic Book Talk

Mike Grell is supposed to be at Geek'd Con in Shreveport next month. Really hoping to get my Longbow Hunters trade signed. I don't want a repeat of me missing out on George Perez a few years ago (the line was too long and he was doing sketches and it was taking forever, so I bounced for a while and when I came back they were no longer issuing numbers. Still pissed about it to this day. And then Perez drastically reduced his con schedule after that due to age and health, so that might've been my only shot.)

Yeah. Getting to meet Perez these days is almost like finding a needle in a haystack. So much stuff I would like for him to sign.

Ron Lim is the same way. Outside of SDCC and Terrificon in Connecticut, you never no where he'll pop up until he does.

I wish I could've met Jim Aparo was well before he passed. His art was so good.