The Incredible, Rage-Inducing Inside Story of America’s Student Debt Machine

I honestly think that if people can avoid a few things in life that it all goes so much easier.
#1- No student loans.
#2- Never finance a car unless you can put 50% down and pay it off fast. It's ok to drive an old reliable junker.
#3- Avoid a big expensive wedding.
#4- buy a house young and pay it off quickly.

If we taught our kids that in grade school we'd be a much better country. Then again, if we were smart enough to do that we would be smart enough to vote outside the fraud box.

No student loans? That's a high bar. Almost no one would be able to go to medical school .... yet if you get in, its pretty much a no-brainer (assuming you do really want to be a doctor) ... Education can be a tremendous investment, though I agree though coasting by a some lame liberal arts degree, probably not the best idea.

On the house buying, unfortunately out of reach for alot of young people, many of whom live to high-cost of living urban centers because thats where all the jobs are.