The Incredible, Rage-Inducing Inside Story of America’s Student Debt Machine

No student loans? That's a high bar. Almost no one would be able to go to medical school .... yet if you get in, its pretty much a no-brainer (assuming you do really want to be a doctor) ... Education can be a tremendous investment, though I agree though coasting by a some lame liberal arts degree, probably not the best idea.

On the house buying, unfortunately out of reach for alot of young people, many of whom live to high-cost of living urban centers because thats where all the jobs are.

I agree completely on the student loans, there are exceptions for high paying degrees where the investment is rewarded. Just speaking in general for the 80% of degrees that don't pay enough to justify it.

There are also exceptions on the housing but like the student loan. The job in the big expensive urban centers has to create a salary to overcome the cost of living to be worth it. Most cities have an option within a 45 minute commute where housing is affordable.