The Incredible, Rage-Inducing Inside Story of America’s Student Debt Machine

Clarkey every time I see your avatar I am so jealous of where you live. Tried to convince my wife to move there and she quickly vetoed that idea. I think it’s beautiful where you are.

LOL! Maybe visit first, then work on her/family members before making such a move?

Here's a larger version of the photo used in my avatar; it's taken from Gros Morne National Park (part of the UNESCO series of parks/places around the world that have a unique status or feature).

Plenty of beautiful pictures/reasons to visit here:

Welcome to Newfoundland and Labrador

I was playing soccer earlier this summer in the local men's league and there were several students attending university here from Mexico/South America. Education is cheap in Canada, even cheaper in Newfoundland. And despite what you'd think, the quality of the system is quite good.