The Incredible, Rage-Inducing Inside Story of America’s Student Debt Machine

I find it quite ironic that we're having this discussion when for 30 years or more economic policies in this country have been intended to foster greater wealth at the top of the income levels and middle class earnings have eroded all while costs of everything have increased.

It seems we are focused on the short term or the small frame rather than the larger problem. And there's been great advice about trade schools, avoiding debt, and making good decisions, but nothing has been said about why the wages for teachers and others have remained so low while the average CEO or top athlete/lawyer/doctors are making huge sums of money.

I bet the folks running that nasty scam outfit managing student loans in the OPs article are making a mint while the folks in the pits dealing with the customers make nothing and can't even pay their student loans.

Agreed. there are some good thoughts in this thread especially in terms of individual choices, but I think what needs more attention is the health and well-being of society. There is a huge wealth disparity and no matter what any of us think about that, history strongly indicates there will come a time of reckoning.

The middle class is under increasing financial pressure. Housing, education, health care, wages, retirement - we often segment these topics into separate discussions even though they are closely connected.