The Incredible, Rage-Inducing Inside Story of America’s Student Debt Machine

A lot of what's being said in this thread is what I have been saying for years. Stop looking down on blue-collar workers. Stop making all kids feel as if college is the only path to success. Stop the insane student loan cycle of debt.

My boss has an interesting idea, one that I didn't buy into at first, but the more he says it the more it makes a bit of sense. Colleges should charge tuition based on the expected salary of the degree. This would also help to direct more money to college programs that could then raise the wages and get more qualified teachers in expert fields.

Great post boutrous. I like the idea your boss presented. However you and I both know many that won’t stop looking down on blue collar. The degree gives many a way to thumb their nose at people. Which I find fascinating given the salary my wife and I make compared to many of our degreed friends. My wife did go to and graduate a trade school though. I have so far zero higher learning and it has not stopped me at all from attaining a good career that pays very well and a nice life.

When I go for fun it will not advance my career in any way shape or form. I wanted both of my kids to go, and they are/will. But I understand that there are other avenues.