How has Society Passed You By?

Perhaps we're just sick of Baby Boomers whining about how the generations after them turned out without Boomers taking the responsibility for raising them that way? For coining the phrase "snowflake" despite being the biggest snowflakes on the planet? For Boomers, despite being given every advantage from the backs of their parents and having very little to show for it except griping that no one turned out like their parents did?

I have worked with you people for two decades and you're the biggest crybabies out there, always telling me how life isn't fair. No shirt life's not fair. Look at the world you ***holes have left us while trying to blame it on us.

I hope you know that you're all going into nursing homes.

Who the hell is you people? Are you really referring to me as a baby boomer? That's really funny. And then you are calling me a crybaby and an butt crevasse? Wow. Assumption, judgement and name calling all in one post. You know what, you are right. You must be a much better person than me. Congratulations.