How has Society Passed You By?

Eh...maybe that stuff works.

I just see a trend in schools and parenting that is all about risk avoidance. Parents are scared, schools are scared. It seems to have swung to far.

There has to be a middle ground.

Kids need to be encouraged to take risk.

As I see it, either learn to accept risk and act anyway or work for someone that will
as an example i just realized
my youngest (pre-k) has a class called "makers space" - yesterday in class they used saws - -metal saws
he's also used hammer and nails in there as well (of course with appropriate safety equip & teachers & guiders)
my wife's fifth grade theatre class visited the scene shop and were taught and allowed to use power drills
now this is def. a school of means - they have both the materials and (one assumes) a robust insurance policy
but it's an example of a larger course correction where educators are beginning to call the shots more than lawyers