Psychological Support (bipolar depression)

If you can find the chemical imbalance hypothesis online, you can also find the research that debunked that hypothesis in the 60's. At this point the chemical imbalance line is pure marketing. Think about it, if it is a chemical imbalance the person can do nothing to remedy the problem, therefore meds are the only solution, for life. If meds were effective wouldn't the cases of depression, suicide, anxiety etc be reduced? The rates are actually rising while the prescriptions for psychotropic drugs are skyrocketing. I actually wrote a paper in grad school looking at the efficacy of anti-depressants, what I found is that research funded by Pharma or Pharma linked researchers found that the meds were effective. Research independently funded fount that anti-depressants were no more effective than placebo, except that placebo did not cause suicide. There is a book called" the Emperor's New Drug" by Mark Kirsh is an eye opening read about med research and the significant flaws.
Of course big pharma has made billions off the chemical imbalance foolishness. That scenario is nothing more than putting the cart before the horse. I have always felt (and have had my own bouts of depression) that depression is a learned thought process which will manifest itself in the brain as a chemical imbalance. Currently I use 5-HTP (available OTC and via Amazon) which is a serotonin precursor. It does indeed create a feeling of well-being without any side effects.

Big pharma has as its goal the creation of addicts to all its products. Otherwise why is it you cannot simply stop blood pressure meds, statins, and SSRI's just to name a few, without devastating side effects up to and including suicidal ideation?

Zeetes, I wish you well in your battle. I can recommend exercise and a good diet as start to your well-being. If possible, take up meditation and yoga. The free app Insight Timer has some very good guided meditations and courses for mindfulness and calming. Peace to you, my friend :)