Manning's full congratulations

Liter, there is that unfortunate fact that Indy kind of gave up on Peyton Manning after he missed the entire 2011 season and essentially told him they were moving on without him and he could retire if he wanted to or try to get signed by another team, but in context of 2011 off-season, nobody was really sure Manning's neck and body could last another brutal 16-game season or more. In fact, Elway kind of took a chance even signing Manning over other teams like the Titans, where Peyton had played college football, but as we all know, Peyton more than lived up to his bidding. He reinvented his career with a new team, a new perspective, new HC, and maybe the perception that he alone didn't have to win the games all by himself, he had a great defense in Denver for really the first in his career that was custom-built for him.

Peyton doesn't hate or dislike Indy, he just feels like that chapter in the part of his life is over and he appreciates it, but the Colts are like an old friend you like visiting and reminiscing about war stories, but you don't share a lot in common with anymore. Plus the Colts drafted a more then adequate replacement in Andrew Luck who might be a SB winning QB if he gets a more consistent defense and a few more pieces on offense around him.