Spoiler Thread: Avengers Infinity War

So, watching this now...because why not?

At the very beginning when Hulk attacks Thanos, Thanos is able to push Hulk back pretty easy - with one stone. Some of you have pointed out Thanos' face when Steve (briefly) catches his punch - with all but one stone. So, it seems Steve was stronger than Hulk, if even for this moment? Maybe that's the look?

Scorp - missed your message. Who knows...it's been pretty heavily implied Odin wasn't beyond.........stretching the truth......to hide certain things. So who knows.

I think when you look at Captain America 'stopping' Thanos' hit, He's not really holding him back, Thanos is more curious/amused at how hard Cap'n is fighting. He's not struggling against Captain America. He's sort of observing. But then again, looking at his face, he's maybe giving some effort there.. or angry about it. hard to tell.

But I think Thanos was giving his all against Hulk. Thanos didn't mess around with him.