Red Dead Redemption

You do realize that you are showing your own tribalism, right?
Which tribe is that? I'm probably the only truly objective human (Saints fandom excepting)

This idea that tribalism is the problem is an invention of the 21st century. It has no basis in reality. People are shirtty and dumb regardless of whether or not they have joined one tribe or another. We are all self-interested animals. What has made things worse is a lack of emphasis on education, rationality and intelligence and the emphasis on faith and feelings.

I never said it's a new phenomenon, but with the internet, the tribes are give a voice they didn't have before. We don't get the facts anymore, we get twisted interpretations of the news from teammembers. That wasn't always the case. 30 years ago, all you had access to were the professional critics. You didn't have access to the unwashed masses tearing down something they don't like in principle.

And the reason it was important 5000 years ago is that it didn't matter if chief was right or wrong. You rode with him because if you didn't, you died. That's not the case today. We need rational thinking across the board.