Our Biggest Offensive Weakness Remains 3rd Down (3rd and 7+, specifically)

Here's the info. I founded on Twitter.

I think we've all talked about how we need for at least one of our WR's besides Thomas to step up down the stretch, and that is probably the most logical way to go about getting better in this area, so a lot of our progress here will probably depend on how Smith and Meredith develop.

Now, I realize that most of the teams on the top of this category are not contenders this year, but neither are the Cardinals or Giants who join us at the bottom of this list.

If we could just elevate ourselves from the "worst of" in this category, it could really help take our offense to the next level, and would give us an edge over Carolina, who is right on our tail in the division race and also right there at the bottom with us.

This isn't a complaint, merely just a point of discussion; there will always be room for improvement, after all!