Our Biggest Offensive Weakness Remains 3rd Down (3rd and 7+, specifically)

If we could just rise up from the "worst of" in this category,

"Rise up"? Lol. Is that some kind of freudian slip? I know the Falcons are at the top of this tweet, but come on!

If we could just rise up from the "worst of" in this category, it could really help take our offense to the next level, and would give us an edge over Carolina, who is right on our tail in the division race and also right there at the bottom with us.

I don't think this 3rd down and 7+ stat is that important unless you are regularly only picking up 3 yards or less on the firsf two downs. Matt Ryan gets sacked so much this year that this stat is real important for the Falcons.

Here is the real 3rd down percentage rankings:

(Saints are #11 overall - and I believe they've been improving)
